How long will it take? This is the most frequently asked question when speaking to potential clients.
It’s not always easy to determine and there are a lot of factors to consider such as the quality of the brief given, accessibility to resources and information, the subject etc. Some tasks are impossible to judge, but there are several straight forward tasks that will take us no longer than 1 hour.
If you are overwhelmed by tasks that eat into your valuable time, why not consider outsourcing? Our hourly rate is £30. If you need support on an on-going basis, we offer different packages with discounted hourly rates. Read more on those here.
To give you some ideas, and maybe even help you tick off your to do list, here is a list of tasks that can be done in an hour or less:
Book a flight, hotel, car hire, train, restaurant.
Research – travel plans, market research, programmes, software, competition, etc.
Create and send an email campaign.
Email cleansing (deleting junk/archiving/flagging).
Create an electronic database for your business cards
Create a personal or company page on social media channels.
Convert word documents into PDF documents.
Write a newsletter.
Create a blog.
Write and schedule an automatic series of Tweets.
Chase outstanding invoices.
Proofread and format documents, presentations and excel spreadsheets. (Depending on size!)
Design a form.
Design a survey.
Invoice your clients.
Source a venue for an event.
Write a 'How To' guide.
Proof and check links for your website
Create timesheet/holiday cards for employees
Client communications: for example, follow up after an event with a personalised letter.